Ventricle Presents is a collection of original series and films that celebrate the spirit of building community.


Serving up locally sourced, free-range storytelling.

There's no way around it: the food business sucks.

Most don’t realize that 8 in 10 restaurants fail within their first 18 months. The margins are razor-thin, it’s competitive, and diners are hypercritical on review sites like Yelp.

To go into this business by choice, you’d have to be crazy. That, or incredibly passionate, filled with a love for the craft, the ambition to succeed against the odds, and a laser-like focus on providing a remarkable culinary experience.

In partnership with KRCL 90.9 FM, The Utah Foodie Podcast was a showcase of the Utah food scene where we interviewed the state’s top chefs, restaurateurs, and culinary entrepreneurs.

Although the podcast has run its course, it can still be heard through the archives right here on Ventricle Presents.


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